Our StoryBridge of Hope is built on the foundation laid by those who went before us to light the path God has directed. For more than 10 years Bridge of Hope has led mission trips into the war torn Ixil triangle in north central Guatemala. The founders of Bridge of Hope discipled under those who paved this path as obedient servants in rebuilding God's Kingdom in Guatemala. Bridge of Hope continues to serve with the help us those living in Guatemala who see part of their family legacy to give back. Our mission is to continue to shine light in this impoverished, war-torn region of Guatemala. But more importantly, we reflect the love of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on these beautiful brothers and sisters.
Bridge of Hope is committed to fulfilling God's calling as stated in James 1:27: "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." |
Is it for me?Pray. Pound. Play. If you can get your knees dusty praying for the underprivileged, if you can pound a nail or find the right end of a hammer, or if you can simply play with a child, you are qualified to go to Guatemala with Bridge of Hope. You don't need any construction experience to build the homes for the homeless widows and orphans. After a quick orientation, you too will have earned your MBA (Mayan Builders Association) certification.
We only use two tools construct the homes, a hammer and a chainsaw. The construction is rough, sturdy and fun to build! All you need is a heart of compassion and a willing spirit! |